The truth about your brand positioning

by | Oct 4, 2024 | Reel Axis Newsletter

Hey there! Welcome back to Marketing Qualified. Let’s close out a great week by chatting about these marketing topics:

 The truth about your brand positioning. Think you have clear positioning? We bet you’re wrong.

The numbers are in…humor sells. Want to raise revenue? Try becoming funnier.

👀 The truth about your brand positioning.

Marketing Directors:

“Our brand positioning is clear.”


The truth is, most B2B companies don’t have clear positioning… like at all.

Want to put yours to the test? Run this experiment.

Grab your team and ask them to sit down with a piece of paper.

Independently, have each of them complete the following sentence by filling in the placeholders.

Many [customers] [pain point] and so our competitors do [competitor solution], but we think [our worldview] is better, so we [our solution].

Have your team read out their answers.

You’ll fall into one of three camps.


If your team’s answers are roughly the same, congrats! You’re one of the very few companies that actually does have clear positioning—no need to change anything.

But chances are you won’t fall into this group.


If your team’s answers are the same in certain areas but different in others, discuss why you think that is.

For example, your team might understand who your customers are and their pain points but be missing clarity on what your competitors offer as their solution and how your company’s solution compares.

Spend the remainder of the meeting working to get everyone on the same page about all aspects of your positioning.


If your team’s answers are all significantly different, you’ve got a major problem on your hands.

If your internal team isn’t even clear on your positioning, then there’s no way your customers are.

Different answers from your team mean the various departments within your organization are working and making choices based on a misaligned understanding.

If everyone is pulling in a different direction, how will you ever get to where you want to go?

Have an open discussion and ensure everyone leaves the meeting on the same page about how to fill in the blanks of the positioning statement.

Clarity among your team will trickle down to your customers and, eventually, your bottom line.

📰  In the news this week.

📈  Ad prices are going up.

🪝  Techniques for writing social media hooks.

🤝  How to write a brand promise [template].

📖 How to get buy-in for customer stories.

🤖  Why AI can’t help you personalize marketing campaigns.

🤣 The numbers are in…humor sells.

When it comes to revenue, the funniest brands are getting the last laugh—and the most sales.

Humor helps with awareness and recall. According to research from Oracle, 90% of consumers are more likely to recall a product or brand associated with a humorous treatment.

It also helps you beat your competition. 72% of consumers say they’d choose a brand that uses humor over a brand that doesn’t.

Want repeat purchases? You guessed it, use humor. 80% of consumers say they’re more likely to buy something again if the brand is funny.

And even though studies show that humor is a path to increased revenue, most brands still don’t utilize it.

Only 33% of ads are considered “lighthearted,” and ads are considered “funny” a shockingly low 10% of the time.

These stats are no joke. If you want to sell more, try being funnier.

😂 Marketing meme of the week.

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