3 helpful charts for marketers

by | Sep 6, 2024 | Reel Axis Newsletter

GM, and welcome back to Marketing Qualified. We hope you had a great week! Let’s close it out with this:

3 helpful charts for marketers. Keep these in your back pocket.

The secret to great hooks. Hint: it’s not adding the usual B2B fluff.

📊 3 helpful charts for marketers.

Check out three niche graphs that we came across this week:

1) Emotions graph.

The best marketers know that the way to get someone to take action is to make them feel an emotion.

Mediocre marketers keep this surface level. They try to get their audience to feel basic emotions like happiness, sadness, or anger.

But marketing masters take things a step further.

They target precise emotions and then craft their messaging and content around that.

Here’s a cool graph that shows what you get when you combine basic emotions. Use this to help you drill down into more specific emotional targets. Then, try to draw these out of your audience.

2) How to fix your marketing

There are five elements that make up great marketing:






When these five elements are in perfect harmony, everything works, and you feel great!

But, if your marketing isn’t working, it’s usually because one of these elements is miscalibrated.

If it’s boring.

Boring marketing happens when you sound just like everyone else. If you don’t have unique insights or your own narrative, things will continue to sound and feel bland.

If it’s unpredictable.

Marketing is unpredictable when you lack strategy. Either everything sounds like a good idea, so you try to do all of it. Or you don’t know what to do, so you do nothing. Both are bad! Instead, pick a few areas to focus on and then go all in.

If it’s siloed.

If your marketing team feels disconnected from other departments, it’s because you lack shared objectives. You need to collaborate with them to have shared effort and consequences.

If it’s wasteful.

If your marketing team complains that they’re overwhelmed and you’re always over budget, you probably lack good goals. Provide clear targets and operating constraints.

If it’s slow.

When things are moving too slowly, it’s a sign that you’ve selected the wrong tactics. Audit what you’re doing and find the problem areas. Or the issue could be that your team lacks the expertise for the tactics you’ve selected. In that case,

consider hiring a specialist.

3) Content matrix

When you’re trying to decide what type of content to create next, use this handy matrix.

It tells you what to make based on it being easy vs. hard and conversion vs. growth-focused.

📰  In the news this week.

🚓 Telegram CEO charged in French criminal investigation.

🔀  The CMO role has evolved: Here’s what the numbers say.

✏️  How to use AI (responsibly) to power your content marketing.

🛍  New report looks at social shopping adoption and trends.

💵  How to let customers know about a price increase (without losing them).

🪝 The secret to great hooks.

As competition for attention has gotten stiffer, creating great marketing hooks has become more critical.

But what’s the secret to creating a great hook?

Is it being catchy, clever, or provocative?


It’s about getting straight to the point.

Here are a few great examples:

This concept doesn’t just apply to ads. (Ads are just a great way to show it visually).

It applies to every type of content.

Landing page headline? Get to the point.

Cold email outreach? Get to the point.

Video script? Get to the point.

The most common mistake in B2B marketing is adding a bunch of boring fluff. Cut the fluff! Get straight to the point!

That’s how you hook an audience.

😂 Marketing meme of the week.

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